Press Release: Family Federation for World Peace and Unification Celebrates 50th Anniversary of Founder Visit at Annual Memorial Service


On Sunday 28 July 2024, the Family Federation for World Peace and Unification will gather inWiltshire for the church’s annual memorial service. This year is a particularly special service as it commemorates the 50th anniversary of the True Father, the founder of the Family Federation forWorld Peace and Unification, Sun Myung Moon’s visit to the grounds.

The memorial service, which honours our dear ascended brothers and sisters, remembering their love and dedication to our Heavenly Parent’s providence, takes place at 11am at the Holy OakMemorial Woodland in Stanton Fitzwarren. A message will be delivered by Dr Michael Balcomb, the Director of Family Federation for World Peace and Unification (UK) and following the service members will visit the Won Jeon - the burial site for members.

Members will also gather at the Holy Ground to remember the time when Sun Myung Moon visited the farm in 1974. It is 50 years since he planted an oak tree and consecrated the holy ground on the land donated by the Masters family. There will be time during the service to recognise the Masters for their generous land donation which allowed the Family Federation for World Peace and Unification to have its own burial ground for members which is a unique feature within the church.

One of the daughters of Henry and Avril Masters who donated the land, will attend to represent her parents. The story of her parents and how they came to donate the land to the church is one told in a documentary put together by the Family Federation for World Peace and Unification.

The land at Stanton Fitzwarren had been held by the Masters family since 1575, it was purchased by Henry’s relative John Organ for £660. In April 1949 Henry's uncle John Masters died, leaving Henry to inherit the estate. At just 22 he was made Lord of the Manor of Stanton Fitzwarren, Stanton Fitzherbert and Stanton Hungerford. He met his soon to be wife Avril, and they were friends for many years before they went to Italy with a group of friends in 1950 and there a romance blossomed. They were married on 23 August 1952, Henry opened an architectural practice in Swindon and they had three children. Henry and Avril were big parts of the community with Avril being a member of the Women’s Institute and Henry forming a youth club in the village.

It was later in their marriage, when they were introduced to the book “The Divine Principle” all about Sun Myung Moon and his journey and beliefs. They grew a strong affinity with the church and they felt compelled to give the church everything, and they signed over the land freely to the church.

Dr Michael Balcomb, Director of Family Federation for World Peace and Unification (UK):

“The memorial service is an important yearly event for us as it gives us an opportunity to remember and celebrate those who are no longer with us. We will honour them with a service and a sermon, before heading to the Won Jeon. The Won Jeon is a dedicated burial space for members of FFWPU and it is very rare for us to have. We are truly grateful to the Masters for their donation of land to the church, to allow us to celebrate members in a way in which they deserve. This years memorial is of particular significance as it marks 50 years since the founder Sun Myung Moon visited the site and planted an oak tree and consecrated the grounds. There are so many beautiful stories behind not only the service, but the grounds too. We are honoured it has reached this milestone.”

Media Contact

For further information or to book an interview please contact Emma Rushton at Roseleigh Media on and copy in 

Further Information

You can find more information and the documentary where the Masters family talks about donating the land here;

Notes for Editor 

• The Family Federation for World Peace and Unification, previously known as the Unification Church was founded by Sun Myung Moon in Korea in 1954.

• It became known as The Family Federation for World Peace and Unification (FFWPU) in 1997 and aimed to be a new broader based evolution of the Unification Community as an alliance of people who generally share the vision of building God-centred families as the basis for healthy communities, stable societies and a peaceful world.

• When Sun Myung Moon, the founder, was just 15, Jesus Christ revealed to him that the end of the age was fast approaching. Moon took the revelation to churches in Korea but they were dismissive. He gained a small group of followers and preaching in the Communist-held northern part of Korea resulted in his being thrown into a harsh labour camp. On his eventual release, he fled as a refugee to South Korea, where he met his wife, Hak Ja Han Moon (or Mother Moon.) The couple were married in 1960 and continued their public ministry together.

• The church’s mass weddings began in the 1960’s with just a few dozen couples getting married, but this has grown over the following years to the ceremony it is today.


Press Release: A Different Kind of Pilgrimage to Korea for Young Members of FFWPU


Press Release: Dozens of Families Gather Annual Gathering Festival for the Family Federation for World Peace and Unification