Japan’s court approved the government’s request to dissolve the Family Federation of Japan, sparking global concern over religious freedom and human rights violations.

The March 25 decision by the Tokyo District Court to grant the government's request for a dissolution order against the Family Federation of Japan (formerly known as the Unification Church) is an embarrassment for Japan and a troubling setback for religious freedom. By this act, the Japanese government has shamefully abandoned the core principles of human rights and religious liberty enshrined in the United Nations conventions that Japan itself has signed and committed to uphold. It now aligns itself with pariah states that routinely deny their citizens the fundamental right to freedom of belief.

Aware of its own misconduct and vulnerability to international scrutiny, the Ishiba administration took the unprecedented step of rejecting a fact-finding visit by Dr. Nazila Ghanea, the United Nations Special Rapporteur on Freedom of Religion and Belief. This refusal speaks volumes about the lack of transparency and the profound injustice of this ruling.

The Family Federation, founded 70 years ago by the late Rev. Sun Myung Moon and now led by his wife, Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon, is a young yet vibrant global faith community with devoted followers across more than 175 countries. Throughout our history, we have consistently placed our accountability first to God, and no government’s approval or disapproval has ever altered our mission or our deeply held convictions.

Despite this unjust persecution and discriminatory action by the Japanese authorities, we firmly believe our members in Japan will emerge stronger in their faith. Our prayers, solidarity, and unwavering support are with them during this challenging time.

Statement written by Dr Michael Balcomb, President of the Family Federation of Europe and the Middle East and National Director of the Family Federation in the UK.

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